On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Patrick Galbraith <p...@patg.net> wrote:
> kmx wrote:
>> Dne 4.5.2010 16:10, Patrick Galbraith napsal(a):
>>> kmx wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> could you please add the following 2 items to the list of Projects
>>>> successfully using MinGW-w64
>>>> 1/ "perl (5.12.0 and later)" with link to http://www.perl.org/
>>> Hi there! So, is it pretty easy to build Perl 5.12.0. now with
>>> mingw-w64 ? This is great news!
>>> I would like to be able to test DBD::mysql and memcached with Perl.
>> Prebuilt DBD::mysql module is included in strawberry perl (both
>> 32/64bit) but we have not build it from scratch with mingw-w64. We have
>> used the libmysql.dll from the original MySQL distribution > then used
>> gendef > then dlltool > then link DBD::mysql with libmysql.a generated
>> in previous step.
>> As for memcached AFAIK it is not so easy to build it with mingw-w64 (I
>> have tried it couple of months ago) - however I would be happy to hear
>> that I am wrong :)
> I'm the maintainer of DBD::mysql and  I'd like to start testing it on
> Windows, and this sounds like a good route. Do you mind if I use you as
> a resource for asking windows-y type questions? Thanks!

I just wanted to say that it's great to see this kind of collaboration
between our users.  If there's anything we can do to help, please
don't hesitate to ask :)

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