On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 6:34 AM, Vincent Torri <vincent.to...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Kai Tietz <ktiet...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> yes, this size different - *especially* for *small* apps - is to be
>> expected.  As exactly for those *small* applications differences in
>> startup-code are shown more significant.  Additionally it is
>> absolutely unprofessional to compare 32-bit exectuable vs 64-bit one.
>> The latter has additional SEH-information in image, which isn't
>> present for 32-bit at all.
>> Please compare 32-bit vs 32-bit, and don't try to compare apple with melons.
> i don't try to compare or complain, i just want to understand...

Heh... don't take offense... he's just trying to show off his ability
to translate idioms from english to german and then back to english :)

I'll try to translate a little for you.

Basically, there's a lot of differences between the mingw-w64
compilers and the mingw.org compilers.  The one difference that he
pointed out was exception handling.  mingw.org uses dw2, we use sjlj
for 32 and seh for 64.  These differences are easily visible in binary
size when the binary does absolutely nothing, since there's nothing
compiled into your exe except the startup code (which contains
exception information).

There are many such differences, however, any one of which could be
affecting you.  Your original question is kind of hard for us to
answer, since your binary doesn't do anything.  Does that make sense?

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