> I am in the process of uploading a GCC 4.7 build with posix threading 
> (this means all the C++11 multithreading functionality in <thread> and 
> <mutex> should work).
> This build is "experimental", mostly because it's ABI incompatible 
> with my other builds. Every C++ and some C applications will 
> implicitly depend on the libwinpthread dll. Don't worry, it won't eat 
> your computer. One more DLL won't kill you.
> I (and I imagine Kai) will be very interested in performance and 
> general usability information.
I am glad to see winpthread-based implementation. Based on limited 
evidence, I have the experience of timed mutexes being particularly slow 
on windows, compared to Linux (via boost::threads, which IIRC uses 
pthreads on Linux and Win32 API on windows). I am looking formward to 
some real performance comparisons, which I am not able to do myself.

Cheers, Vaclav

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