Actually, I looked at doing just that.  And while this is possible, my 
experience suggest that gcc's built-ins don't do *quite* the same 
thing.  For example, __builtin_ffs() returns 0 if no bits are set, or 
the 1-based bit position if a bit is set.  BitScanForward return a BOOL 
to indicate no bits are set, and a 0-based bit position is returned in 
the pointer passed as p1.

Yes, you can write a routine to jigger the output of the __builtin to 
match the behavior MSVC programmers expect, but the code tends to be 
sub-optimal.  For example (IIRC), when you subtract 1 from ffs to turn 
it back to 0-based, the asm that ultimately gets produced uses the BSF 
instruction, adds one, then subtracts 1.<sigh>

If I were talking with the MS team when they were first writing 
BitScanForward, I would have encouraged them to go the way ffs does.  
However, if the goal here is to support MSVC ports, I think the inlines 
are a better (more efficient) way to go.


On 3/28/2013 3:52 AM, Václav Zeman wrote:
> Why are those intrinsics even implemented using inline assembler
> instead of GCC's own built-in functions like __builtin_ffs() for
> _BitScanForward(), __sync_add_and_fetch() for _InterlockedAdd(), etc.?

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