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On 11.06.2013 15:26, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Hi Алексей,
> On Jun  8 01:56, Алексей Павлов wrote:
>> 2013/6/7 Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> A final note:  I'm not opposing the fork.  Under the GPL it's your
>>> perfect right to do so, as long as you adhere to the license
>>> requirements.  But that doesn't mean I have to understand it.  If the
>>> DLL and the tools are exactly the same and only differ by name, then,
>>> what's the point?  Wouldn't it make more sense to work with us on the
>>> Cygwin project instead?
>> Some times ago we discuss about adding MSYS2 code to Cygwin on mingw-w64
>> IRC. It would be more right way I think but I think you don't interesting
>> in it. I'm right? That is why I create fork of Cygwin. But if it possible
>> to support MSYS2 mode in Cygwin sources I think all be happy to not create
>> many forks an so on.
> The problem is this.  So far I'm wondering what MSYS2 is about.

MSYS is about mixing W32 tools (mingw-gcc, binutils) headers and
libraries with *nixy (or cygwinny, if you prefer) buildtools and
scripts, with the aim of building W32 libraries and applications.

In Cygwin (or when running a real GNU system) you have to use a
cross-compiler to build W32 binaries.
In MSYS you don't have to. That's it.

> Granted, right now MSYS2 adds code which is entirely unacceptable for
> Cygwin.  For instance the symlink(2) function *copying* files, even
> recursively if the target is a directory.  I don't grok the reason for
> this.
> So here's a user or script innocently calling
>   ln -s /cygdrive/c/Windows /
> which is something I do often to have easier access to the Windows
> directory for certain tasks.  But I definitely don't want a copy of the
> Windows directory.  If it's about compatibility with native tools, the
> change still doesn't makes sense.
> - Either it's Cygwin/MSYS2 tools needing the symlink, then a Cygwin
>   symlinks works fine,
> - or you need a copy of a certain subtree, then you should have called
>   cp, rather than ln -s,
> - or you need a Windows symlink, then you should have created a
>   native symlink using the new Cygwin capability to create native
>   symlinks using the CYGWIN=winsymlinks:native{strict} setting.
> The latter would be much more feasible as default setting, while on old
> pre-Vista systems, it would be much more feasible to fail gracefully, or
> to use Cygwin's method to create a Windows .lnk file instead.

Now that you know what MSYS is about, it should be obvious that crude
symlink-by-copying is necessary to satisfy W32 tools, which cannot use
cygwin symlinks or Windows .lnk files.
Windows symlinks (when using NT 6 and newer) are fine (well, they are
not POSIXly, but they may turn out to be better than dumb copying (for
the purpose of using them when building software), i'll try to test that
later), MSYS1 had no way of creating them, and thus this was not an
option. Now it is an option, and maybe a good default too.

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