> Code looks ok. I have no objections.

So far so good then.  But I do have a question.

In Winnt.h, there is code like this:

#ifdef __CYGWIN__
# if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# endif
# include <x86intrin.h>
# if defined(__cplusplus)
# endif
#else /* !__CYGWIN__ */
# include <intrin.h>
#endif /* __CYGWIN__ */

Since all the intrinsics are already defined in intrin.h, they don't 
need to be defined again in winnt.h.  UNLESS, cygwin is defined, which 
skips intrin.h.  So, I was merrily moving the intrinsic definitions that 
are already in winnt.h up into the cygwin-only part of the #if, when I 
realized something odd: This #if block is only in place for __x86_64, 
not for _X86_.  Given how instrinsics work in MSVC, this seems a little odd.

As I consider how I want to deal with this, I DON'T want to just copy 
the entire block from the x64 to the x86.  It's bad enough we are 
duplicating these definitions without triplicating them.  Since MSVC's 
winnt.h doesn't #include intrin.h at all, I (briefly) considered 
removing it from this file as well.  But it seemed too likely to create 
compatibility issues.

So, unless someone gives me a reason to do something else, I intend to 
move this block (and all of the winnt.h intrinsics I've added to it) up 
out of the x64 #if block, so it will apply to both x86 and x64.

I have modified the other intrinsics for which I have recently submitted 
patches to use this approach.

It all compiles, but I'm doing more testing before I'll be ready to 
share it.


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