With recent patch I get compiler-error for c++ in
psdk_inc/intrin-impl.h:914 due different use of types.  Again psdk vs
bare-C types (LONGLONG vs long long).

Looking at the prototypes and implementations for InterlockedCompareExchange64 (which I believe is what is at your line #914), all I see are "__int64" and "LONGLONG". Because of these lines, I assume the types are the same:

ntdef.h:__MINGW_EXTENSION typedef __int64 LONGLONG, *PLONGLONG;
winnt.h:  __MINGW_EXTENSION typedef __int64 LONGLONG;

The only exception I see is the newly added ARM definition in winbase.h at ~line 965. This definition uses LONG64, which is not consistent with any of the other definitions of InterlockedCompareExchange64, and is not consistent with MSDN <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/ms683562%28v=vs.85%29.aspx>.

If you are not compiling for ARM, I'll need more details so I can reproduce the problem here.

This signature stuff has to stop.

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