On 09/09/13 14:51, Kai Tietz wrote:
> Hmm?  I thought I said already all I have to say to this.

Well, you gave reasons that others don't agree with so we kind of
expected you to answer to those doubts.

> 1) I see no good need to remove non-inline variant from libmingwex.a library.
> 2) If something isn't an intrinsic, well, then move the implementation
> file out of the intrinsic-folder, but this doesn't mean we don't want
> it in libmingwex.a library.
> In general I don't get the reason, value, and the need for removing
> those implementation-files?

Clean up, smaller lib size and not promoting broken code? Not strong
arguments, but better than any to keep them, IMO... But well, let's
agree to disagree ;)

> I agree on fixing wrong behavior of intrinsic-functions (and their
> implementation files), but such changes please sent in separate
> patches, so that I can review them stand-alone.

dw, can you please do that?


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