On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 3:35 PM, Kai Tietz <ktiet...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> We have this in our FAQ AFAIR.  But once again, never - and I mean
> NEVER - use the executable you find in <sysroot>/<target>/bin.  Only
> use the variant in <sysroot>/bin folder.
> In your case the later is the proper one (bin\x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe).
> The other in <sysroot>/<target>/bin (in your case
> x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin/g++.exe) is for internal use of some
> build-tools. I repeat myself here.  Never, really never call these
> executables directly!.
> The target-prefix before the gcc-tool is caused by the fact that you
> are using a cross-compiler.
> To control the bitness of target is done via the switches -m32/-m64.
> Of course you need to make sure that your used toolchain was actual
> setup-ed proper for multilib-scenario.  Otherwise you will run into
> troubles as no runtime for one target might be present.
> Hope this solves your confusion a bit.
> Regards,
> Kai
JonY claims "This question has been asked so many times it is not funny."

OK, then make this one go away.

If this newcomer question keeps coming up it's likely that either (a)
Incongruous is just too damn lazy to spelunk the FAQ, or (b) the FAQ is

I can't speak to (a) but after looking at the FAQ, the FAQ isn't helpful
for this common question.

Specifically, which FAQ entry gives The Answer?

Is it this (outdated) entry titled

  "What file should I download? / What do the names mean?"

where one has to scroll almost to the bottom for item (4) under the "What
do you want" section to find this self-conflicting summary?

"4) Would you like a prefixed (g++ = bin/g++.exe) or non-prefixed
toolchain? Prefixed
means the command you run for g++ will be bin/i686-w64-mingw32-g++.exe (for
32bit toolchains). Non-Prefixed means the command you run for g++ will be
All of the automatically built toolchains are prefixed and the sezero
toolchains (under
personal builds) are not prefixed. You can turn a prefixed toolchain into a
toolchain by renaming the prefixed files in the bin directory and removing
the prefix.

Or if it's not in the FAQ, is this the wiki page


in which newcomers are supposed to spelunk to the "Installing the
toolchain" -> "Windows native" section describing TDM-GCC and interpret
this as the answer?

"You should be ready to go. Execute i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -v or
to see that everything has gone well."

Or is it documented somewhere else except in ML posts?

Bottom line: MinGW-w64 project documentation needs help starting with the
FAQ. Add a specific entry addressing Incongruous' question and make this
one go away.

At least the response to anyone so bold to ask the question again could be
the always entertaining RTFM and a FAQ link.

And who knows, maybe JonY will find the ML questions to be just a bit more
funny. Pfft, who am I kidding...I just want to see JonY tersely tell
someone to RTFM ;)

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