On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Alexpux <alex...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 09 нояб. 2013 г., в 8:45, Jon <jon.for...@gmail.com> написал(а):
> After reviewing sbuild's use of MSYS2 artifacts to provide toolchains and
> then some
> https://www.gitorious.org/sbuild/sbuild/source/a8f47daae77bb2390843250fbe6445fed784d866:buildall.py#L33-149
> I have MSYS2 related questions for LRN, Alexey, and others on this list
> who may be involved with MSYS2 and care to provide feedback.
> That said, this ML is targeted to mingw-w64 issues rather than general
> issues best addressed at places like stackoverflow.
> My questions relate to assembling of a development toolkit similar to what
> I did when I was contributing to this project:
> https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/blob/master/config/devkit.rb#L30-L68
> https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/blob/master/config/compilers/mingwbuilds.rb
> I plan to do something similar for my buildlets pet project
> https://github.com/jonforums/buildlets
> but base the automated toolchain builds upon assembling a minimal set of
> MSYS2 artifacts (smaller than sbuild's and Alexey's full-featured MSYS2
> project) with nixMan and Alexey's official mingw-w64 toolchains for windows.
> Just now I work on creating MSYS2 repository based on ported Arch Linux
> pacman (package manager). In a week, I think, I upload repository to site
> and you can get only what you want. In next MSYS2 release I plan to add
> packman as package manager for MSYS2. Then you can update, install and
> uninstall MSYS2 packages from MSYS2 console when you need.

Alexey, you continue to amaze :)

My primary non-windows OS is Arch followed by Ubuntu Server. Hearing about
your plans for a pacman port is, well, spectactular. I'm a bit speechless,
but grinning ear to ear.

I can't wait to play with your pacman + MSYS2 repo and see how I can
integrate it into my powershell based buildlet pet project.

Dammit...another very cool siren song to distract and consume free time >;->
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