
CC'ing kmx (Strawberry Perl developer), FHI.

In quadmath.h there's a long list of math library function prototypes, 
beginning with acosq() ... through to ynq().

On 6/10/2013 I reported (to this list) a problem with expq crashing - and I 
still haven't struck a mingw-w64 compiler where this has been fixed. 
(Haven't tried anything later than 4.8.2, but.)
I've now found that expq, coshq, nearbyintq, tgammaq, and fmaq all cause 
runtime crashes when called. The rest of those math library functions seem 
fine, however.

Here's the demo for verification of those crashes:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <quadmath.h>

int main(void) {

   __float128 rop, op1 = 2.5Q, op2 = 3.6Q, op3 = 6.7Q;

   rop = expm1q(op1);
   printf("1 done\n");

   rop = cosq(op1);
   printf("2 done\n");

   /* The following, when uncommented, all crash */

   /* rop = expq(op1);            */
   /* rop = coshq(op1);            */
   /* rop = nearbyintq(op1);        */
   /* rop = tgammaq(op1);        */
   /* rop = fmaq(op1, op2, op3);    */


   return 0;


Built with:
gcc -o expq.exe expq.c -lquadmath

Latest mingw-w64 compilers that I've tried are the 32-bit and 64-bit 4.8.2 
compilers that ship with the 32-bit and 64-bit builds of Strawberry Perl 
I've also checked with 64-bit 4.7.0 (which was one of Ruben's builds).
And I've also got a 4.7.3 that shipped with an earlier Strawberry Perl 

With all of those compilers, the behaviour is the same.

If you require any further info (or these issues have already been 
addressed) please let me know.

And thank you for the excellent efforts you guys continue to make.


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