> I'm a bit unclear on this. In my builds (not very standard, admittedly) i
> have libglut.a and libglut.dll.a from freeglut installed into /mingw/lib,
> overwriting the libglut.a from the mignw-w64 crt package. Is it a feature
> of the MinGW-w64 toolchain shipped by MSYS2 packager - does it treat CRT
> package in a special way, keeping it in a separate location and preventing
> other packages (like freeglut) from overwriting its files?

Msys2 uses a package manager, which means you cannot simply overwrite some
it currently looks like this:

Darklighter@zeppelin ~ % pacman -Ql mingw-w64-i686-freeglut | grep lib
mingw-w64-i686-freeglut /mingw32/bin/libfreeglut.dll
mingw-w64-i686-freeglut /mingw32/lib/
mingw-w64-i686-freeglut /mingw32/lib/libfreeglut.dll.a
mingw-w64-i686-freeglut /mingw32/lib/libfreeglut_static.a

Darklighter@zeppelin ~ % pacman -Ql mingw-w64-i686-crt-git | grep glut
mingw-w64-i686-crt-git /mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/libglut.a
mingw-w64-i686-crt-git /mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/lib/libglut32.a

Which is ok, because cmake uses freeglut by its absolute path.
Actually, i think my saying that FindGLUT prefers the other one is wrong.

But earlier, when the freeglut package shipped a libglut.a as in your case,
when you link using -lglut (and when you use GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK) the
lib from i686-w64-mingw32 is preferred, which is unwanted.

Also, as an aside, i don't have glut.dll or glut32.dll in my Windows system
> directories (NT 6.1 here).

Me neither, that’s why it’s weird to have an import library for it in the
first place.
The binary will be unable to start.

On another note:
I sent this message already quite a while ago and got an »awaiting
moderator approval« response which didn’t happen.
There are mailing lists which explicitly state that you have to subscribe
to post,
but it’s unpleasant if it’s not stated but still the case.

Best, Norbert.
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