On 05/14/15 16:43, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
> I've thrown a bit out there. So first thing is, it is not a
> bug/incorrect for the two different declarations to be in swprint.inl?
> Is the eclipse code wrong to use the first form, over the second? The
> code is C and not C++.

No, it's not a bug. Historically, MSVC had non-standard (the second)
declaration available. It has changed, but to be backward compatible,
some tricks have to be used. We use very similar tricks to be compatible
with newer versions. This made the transition transparent for C++, but
it's impossible to do that for C. Eclipse code expects the old form. You
have three options here:

Then your code will always use the second declaration (see #defines in
the end of swprintf.inl). This is not nice, but you should be able to do
that without touching C code.

- Use underscored names where the old declaration is expected.
swprintf uses the new declaration, while _swprintf uses the old one. You
may use that to mix both in the code.

- Port your code to use the new declaration.
That's probably the best long term option option, assuming you don't
need to support old toolchains.


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