On 6/22/2015 4:50 PM, Óscar Fuentes wrote:
> Edward Diener <eldlistmaili...@tropicsoft.com>
> writes:
>>> As I mentioned on other message on this thread, you must set PATH
>>> anyways for executing the resulting binaries of your compilation. There
>>> is no possible workaround for this, other than installing libwinpthread,
>>> libstdc++ and co. on a directory that already is on PATH. But that would
>>> preclude having more than one MinGW(-w64) installed on your system,
>>> among other problems.
>> You mention this as if it were some law of programming. Once again
>> just because the relationships of modules ( exes and dlls ) are setup
>> poorly in mingw-64 distros does not mean that this is the only way
>> things could be. I have already explained that if you have all modules
>> which need to reference each other in the same directory then some
>> module finding another module will happen automatically in Windows.
>> This would allow for self-enclosing distributions of mingw-64 which
>> does NOT need the ridiculous nonsense of putting some bin directory in
>> the PATH. You could distribute as many distros as you like and if they
>> were all self-enclosing in the way I have mentioned you don't ever
>> need the PATH environment variable set to any one distro's bin
>> directory at any time.
> Maybe your frustration does not allow you to understand what I wrote.
> Please read it again. I expect some difficulty with the concept of
> having multiple installs of the toolset, with varying versions and
> configurations, but there is no excuse for not understanding the point
> about the generated executables depending on the same (and more) dlls
> that cc1plus.exe depends on. Unless you pretend to emit your executables
> to the same bin directory where those dlls are, the cleanest solution is
> to add the bin directory to PATH. Yes, they could install cc1plus.exe on
> the same bin directory where g++.exe is. That would make you happy (at
> the cost of making others miserable) until the moment you realize that
> you need to set PATH anyways.

Please explain to me why I would need to "set PATH anyways" to a 
particular toolchains bin directory if the dlls needed by any particular 
executable in a toolchain were in the same directory as the executable 

>> Claiming otherwise to me, who am a programmer with a pretty good
>> understanding of how modules work under Windows, is futile unless you
>> want to ram down my throat the information that this is the way mingw-64
>> does things and we are not going to change. If so I already got that
>> message. But claiming that you can't technically do it better, just
>> because the idiots at Microsoft are the example which you choose to
>> follow, is utter nonsense and I am pretty sure that if you are a
>> programmer yourself you must know that.
> The model that MinGW(-w64) follows does not depend on what MS does or
> doesn't. But the fact that both toolsets have similar requirements wrt
> setting environment variables (with MinGW being the simplest, BTW) does
> tell us something about the space solution for the general problem.

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