2016-05-24 7:46 GMT+02:00 Adrien Nader <adr...@notk.org>:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 23, 2016, Nakai Yuta wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> I attached the patch.
>> I put ifdef guard for compatibility with MSVC.
>> default behaviour: same as MSVC
>> when defined _GNU_SOURCE: same as glibc(>2.01)
> This is tangential.
> I'm actually a bit worried about such changes in the general case: when
> using autoconf, one typically doesn't define _GNU_SOURCE but instead ask
> for "extensions" and ./configure decides what to do. It's kind of
> automatic. This means that there are many projects (most actually it
> seems) which #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 and not only the ones which really
> really really want it.

Agreed, that this danger exists.  In this special case I wouldn't
assume any issues, as the MS interpretation is pretty much compatible
to that one of glibc.
If a configure script tests for glibc behavior without setting
explicit _GNU_SOURCE, then it is IMO broken.  But it would be broken

> I don't think this specific patch is wrong or will cause troubles. And
> I'm not saying either that projects which ask for non-standard behaviour
> that is not clearly defined and guaranteed are right. Instead, I merely
> wish to warn for future changes because it's perfectly reasonable to
> have code relying on msvcrt-specific behaviour in windows-only codepaths
> while also having _GNU_SOURCE. Of course, _GNU_SOURCE gives no guarantee
> but we know how things work when it comes to compatibility.

Well, I see no other option to express that.  So using here
_GNU_SOURCE seems to be the best guard.  But if you know about
something better, please come up with a suggestion.

> Also, what is the official stance on msvcrt- vs gnu-specific behaviours
> currently? I don't think I've seen it written well anywhere.

Well, we support C99, which makes our runtime much more gnu-specific.
This is especially true for msvcrt runtime.  For more recent universal
runtime we might need less extensions, as we need now.

> --
> Adrien Nader


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