Hello dw,

2016-08-17 4:22 GMT+02:00 David Wohlferd <d...@limegreensocks.com>:
> One of my upcoming patches is going to be a bit controversial (or maybe
> I'm just missing something).  In either case, I'm going to go ahead and
> start the discussion early.
> First a bit of vocabulary.  I'm not including this because I think
> people here don't know these terms.  It's because *I* am probably using
> them wrong.  But by defining how I am using them, hopefully you will at
> least understand what I am trying to convey.
>   * SourceDir - The directory that contains the git repository of all
>     the mingw-w64 source files
>   * BuildDir - The directory into which you will be building the output
>     of the files in the SourceDir.
>   * OutputDir - The directory into which the useful output files
>     (libraries, headers, etc) will be installed when running "make
>     install".  Its location can be specified by using --prefix on the
>     configure command.
>   * BinutilsDir - A loose term that encompasses the system build
>     utilities (gcc, clang, etc) and their support files (includes, libs,
>     etc).

Thanks for pointing out your nomenclature.  These names are always a
well of misunderstanding.

(I use in common instead of binutilsDir the name ToolsDir ... and for
OutputDir the name InstallDir)

> With that in mind, here's my question: When I am building mingw-w64,
> which of these directories should the compiler be searching for include
> files, and in which order?
> In my view, the correct answer (in order) is SourceDir, BuildDir, and
> BinutilsDir.  OutputDir should not be searched at all.

Why it shouldn't search in OutputDir?  where do you install headers & co too?

Anyway, as we have one generated headers (_mingw.h, sdks, ...), it is
mandatory to (atleast) configure/build headers before trying to build
The include paths in SourceDir are in "mingw-w64-headers/crt/", and
"mingw-w64-headers/include". Additional the build directory of the
headers for the generated headers.
In fact it is easier to install headers before, and just point to the
include directory in OutputDir (<target>/include for gcc)

> However, that does not appear to be what is happening.  The correct
> SourceDirs and BuildDirs frequently aren't searched at all, and
> OutputDir is.  As a result, the Mingw-w64 headers you are modifying
> while working on the project aren't used during the build (IOW you end
> up using old copies) unless you explicitly copy them around before
> running make.  While this is a hassle for people maintaining mingw-w64,
> it's got to be worse for users who "grab the latest" and don't
> understand what's required to build it.

See comment above.

> This just seems wrong.  I believe that when building mingw-w64, the
> default should be to use the mingw-64 headers first (since that's where
> the newest files will be), then BuildDir (think: generated _mingw.h),
> then BinutilsDir (for things like ia32intrin.h, etc).  OutputDir should
> not be used at all, since it is (at best) a copy of a previous (ie
> out-of-date) build.

I agree that using current headers is the thing to

> I have a patch for makefile.am that makes things "better" (ie adding the
> appropriate -I where needed), but I assume there's more to this issue
> than I currently understand.  Since it will probably take several emails
> for even the best teachers to fix my misunderstanding here, I'm starting
> the discussion before sending the patch.
> Be gentle...
> dw

So having a way to use top-level make to build everything without need
of pre-installing is something of interest IMO.


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