Dear MinGW support team,

I download a free version of C/C++ compiler trom MinGW.  I am wondering if the 
compiler is under GNU license.
When I install the compiler I get the following message:
The license for winpthreads requires you to reproduce its text in every copy or
substantial portion of the winpthreads library that you distribute. This means
that even if you just want to distribute a single small executable, created with
TDM-GCC (or any winpthreads-based GCC release), you must include a copy of that

Check the license out in the file "COPYING.winpthreads.txt", which will be
installed along with TDM-GCC. Consult with a lawyer if you have any concerns
about how you can use this software.

Does this new license hurt your usage of GCC? Let the developers know!

File a feature request asking them to change the winpthreads license or get rid
of GCC's winpthreads requirement, at:

Send an email to the MinGW-w64 mailing list, at:<>

How about Matlab mex file generated by TDM-GCC?  Does that mean I have to 
include the text file with every mex file I send out?
Matlab mex file is sort of executable file.  More info about Matlab can be 
found at<>.


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