On Wed, 5 Sep 2018, Frédéric wrote:

However, lld isn't fully compatible with all details of the GNU linker for
the mingw target - in particular, lld can't handle import libraries
produced by binutils. So it's not right now usable as a drop-in
replacement in an existing mingw setup, you need a separate mingw
environment built from scratch with llvm-dlltool.

So that means using also clang++ as C++ compiler?

Yes, this setup uses clang for all compilation, no GCC involved. The setup does provide <triplet>-gcc/g++ aliases though that invoke clang.

I'm maintaining a setup for building just such an environment, have a look
at https://github.com/mstorsjo/llvm-mingw.

Thanks, I will have a look at it.

I have also seen this projet that also builds a llvm toolchain for

This is only for using clang as compiler, but still using the normal binutils tools for the rest.

Clang should work fine for a drop-in replacement like that; you can swap GCC for clang for individual object files and everything should be fine. It's lld that you can't swap in into a normal binutils based environment though.

I'm only using
compiler_rt/libunwind/libcxxabi/libcxx instead of libgcc/libstdc++ though,

you mean that you use the standard library of llvm instead of that one of gcc?
What about pthread, i.e. C++11 threads?

libcxx supports C++11 threads on windows without using any winpthreads library inbetween. My toolchain setup still builds winpthreads as a library for anybody who wants to build code which only uses pthreads as threading API though.

// Martin
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