在 2019/3/8 21:49, Matthias Apitz 写道:
> El día Friday, March 08, 2019 a las 09:00:27PM +0800, Liu Hao escribió:
> Thanks for the pointer. All that DLL is only made from one small C++
> file and when I do read it right it does not make use of ATL, but only
> of a CString class provided there. Maybe we should rewrite it better
> with std::string? It serves only for the Java app to write bytes to some
> serial device.

`std::string` is provided by libstdc++ rather than mingw-w64. As long as
you don't pass it around to DLLs compiled with a different standard
library (e.g. the one from MSVC) it is probably OK.

Best regards,

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