On 5/17/19 10:11 PM, Martin Storsjö wrote:
On Fri, 17 May 2019, Jacek Caban wrote:

I see it now. The problem seems to be wider than assert and caused by
__set_app_type call in ucrtbase_main.c. If I remove them, it behaves
correctly. Do you remember it's called there? Note that crtexe.c already
sets app type correctly, but it's broken by __getmainargs later.

I think the reason why I added the __set_app_type call in __getmainargs, is that I checked with the wine implementation of the function for hints about what it should do, when implementing this for the ucrt compat wrapping.

Wine's function looks like this:

int CDECL __getmainargs(int *argc, char** *argv, char** *envp,
                         int expand_wildcards, int *new_mode)
    if (new_mode)
        MSVCRT__set_new_mode( *new_mode );
    return 0;

But now when looking at the mingw-w64 crt code, I see that *new_mode always is 0 here - so apparently msvcrt.dll doesn't actually use the parameter in this exact way.

new_mode seems to be something different than app type and we could probably use _set_new_mode for that, but we should be fine ignoring it.


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