the look at the official doc :

as strtof is a function in msvcrt.dll, maybe it's a bug in the implementation.

Vincent Torri

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 6:50 PM David Mathog <> wrote:
> On 2020-01-07 20:40, Vincent Torri wrote:
> > hello
> >
> > have you looked at the exemple at the bottom of that page :
> >
> >
> Sure.  My code works on linux using gnu compilers but does not work in
> mingw64 using
> (more or less) the same compilers and the results differ. Below is a a
> tiny complete test program which demonstrates the issue showing the
> issue, just cut and paste the indicated region into a bash shell on
> linux and mingw64
> #start cut here
> cat >errno_prob.c <<'EOD'
> /*
>      Build with:
>         gcc -Wall -std=c99 -pedantic -o errno_prob errno_prob.c
>      Run with
>         errno_prob "1.0e+40"  #overflow test
> */
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <errno.h>
> int main(int argc,char **argv){
>     char *final;
>     errno=0;
>     float fv = strtof(argv[1],&final);
>     fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG buffer %p final %p fv %f errno
> %d\n",argv[1],final,fv, errno);
>     fflush(stderr);
>     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> }
> gcc -Wall -std=c99 -pedantic -o errno_prob errno_prob.c
> ./errno_prob "1.0e+40"
> #end cut here
> Outputs from the two systems:
> linux:   DEBUG buffer 0x7ffdb3ad8ee0 final 0x7ffdb3ad8ee6 fv inf errno
> 34
> mingw64: DEBUG buffer 000000000068F970 final 000000000068F977 fv
> 1.#INF00 errno 0
> The only significant difference is that errno is not set in the mingw64
> one.  It should be though, because 1.0e+40 is an ERANGE state, as
> correctly indicated on linux.
> No input I tried would make errno something other than 0.  These were
> tried:
> 1.0e+40
> blech
> .000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
> 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
> 1.0e-100
> So why is errno not set in mingw64?
> Thanks,
> David Mathog
> Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech
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