On Wed, 29 Apr 2020, Steve Lhomme wrote:

The original libwinstorecompat is designed to be used with libmincore.

- CreateEventW is allowed
- CreateMutexW is allowed
- CreateSemaphoreW is allowed
- InitializeCriticalSection is allowed
- GetFileAttributes is allowed
- WaitForSingleObject is allowed
- GetTickCount is allowed
- SetUnhandledExceptionFilter is allowed
- TerminateProcess is allowed
- IsDBCSLeadByteEx is allowed
- SetErrorMode is allowed
- GetACP is allowed
- LocalAlloc/LocalFree are allowed
- Sleep/SleepEx are allowed
- SetFilePointer is allowed
- Tls functions are allowed
- GetConsoleOutputCP is allowed


To select the set of API's allowed by this library, define WINSTORECOMPAT
and build with _WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN10.
.../winstorecompat/Makefile.am                | 24 ++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

This patch looks ok to me - naming things is hard, especially as one doesn't know how the upstreams names will evolve (e.g. if there's a new different iteration of things later, will the name "windowsapp" still refer to that, or will it be something else at that point).

// Martin

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