On Tue, 13 Jul 2021, Tempelaar E. (Erik) wrote:

> For this to work correctly the stack size was increased somewhere in the 
> past; on Unix using setrlimit, in mingw32 with 'LDFLAGS += 
> -Wl,--stack,0x02000000' (32MiB)

> I've seen the "processthreadsapi" and noticed that it has a 'dwStackSize' 
> parameter and that there's a flag to set it merely as a reservation 
> I guess a reservation would be fine too.

The value of --stack is the default reservation.  It can optionally take a
second number which is the default commit.  That's not important to what
you are seeing.

> Ideally I'd like to get the extra stack only for specific work and not 
> always, but I don't see how.

Yes, you can control the stack size per thread (or fiber).

For winpthreads, you can use pthread_attr_setstacksize.

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