On 22/11/2022 20:07, Martin Storsjö wrote:
+  inline bool decompose(const float4x4 &mat, float3 *out_scale, quaternion 
*out_rot, float3 *out_translate) {
+    float4x4 val = mat;
+    if (out_translate)
+      *out_translate = translation(val);
+    val.m41 = val.m42 = val.m43 = 0.0f;
+    float3 scale = float3(
+      length(float3(val.m11, val.m12, val.m13)),
+      length(float3(val.m21, val.m22, val.m23)),
+      length(float3(val.m31, val.m32, val.m33))
+    );
+    if (out_scale)
+      *out_scale = scale;
+    val = make_float4x4_scale(float3(1.0f/scale.x, 1.0f/scale.y, 
1.0f/scale.z)) * val;
+    if (out_rot)
+      *out_rot = make_quaternion_from_rotation_matrix(val);
+    return true;
+  }

I feel that there should be some conditions that cause this function to return false, if the input is not a scale/rotate/translate matrix...

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