I recall that I simply undef'd "interface" in my fork of the JDK to get
it to compile with gcc, would be great if this could be fixed, as I'm
fairly certain Visual C++ does not have this issue, strangely enough

best regards,

On Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 1:06 PM Biswapriyo Nath <nathbap...@gmail.com>

> In various headers, the name 'interface' is a macro which is defined
> to 'struct' keyword. But that causes problem in code where 'interface'
> is used as a variable name. Here are the list of headers in mingw-w64
> ```
> $ grep -r "define interface"
> basetyps.h:#define interface __STRUCT__
> basetyps.h:#define interface struct
> combaseapi.h:#define interface __STRUCT__
> combaseapi.h:#define interface struct
> rpc.h:#define interface struct
> windows.h:#define interface struct
> ```
> Even a simple code like the following causes error
> ```
> #include <windows.h>
> int main() {
>     int interface = 0;
> }
> ```
> The same is true in Windows SDK. But I have seen some projects[1]
> which use MSVC with that 'interface' name as a variable. So, How can I
> troubleshoot the issue in mingw-w64?
> [1]:
> https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/platform/system/core/+/2266083
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