On Mon, 1 Apr 2024, Pali Rohár wrote:

Library msvcrt.dll was used by Visual C++ versions 4.2 - 6.0 and is also
part of the Windows system starting with NT 4.0 and 98.

Currently the file msvcrt.def.in contains mix of all symbols in semi
alphabetical order, with ad-hoc symbol aliases which some are not exported
by any msvcrt.dll version (but needed for mingw-w64).

Cleanup symbol definitions, reorder them into chronological order according
to released msvcrt.dll versions and add exhausting comments explaining from
which msvcrt.dll version is symbol present and also if it is being replaced
by other symbol at linking time for backward version compatibility reasons.

If at symbol line is comment "replaced by" it means that the symbol is

I think this sentence (and the next one) is easier to read if you'd add the word "there" before "is", i.e. "there is comment". Adding some a/an makes it a bit more legible English as well, and rephrasing a little, e.g. "If there is a comment "replaced by" at a symbol line, it means ..."

+_endthread ; In Windows XP and Windows XP SP1 OS system version of msvcrt.dll 
this symbol has name _endthread@4, in all other versions (including XP SP3) is 
has standard name
+_endthreadex ; In Windows XP and Windows XP SP1 OS system version of 
msvcrt.dll this symbol has name _endthreadex@4, in all other versions 
(including XP SP3) is has standard name

There's a typo in these ocmments, "is has standard name", I guess you mean "it has standard name".

+; This is list of additional symbol aliases not available in any CRT library
+; FIXME: should they be removed?
+F32(_ftime_s == _ftime32_s)
+F64(_ftime_s == _ftime64_s)
+snwprintf == _snwprintf
+vsnwprintf == _vsnwprintf

I would maybe remove the implication that these maybe should be removed, or rephrase the fixme, like e.g. "FIXME: check if these really are needed" or so.

+; This is list of some symbols from X86 version of libmingwex library which 
can be defined on ARM as alias to some msvcrt.dll symbols

FWIW, the reason here is that on arm, long double is equal to regular double, so we don't need to provide our own replacements for these functions.

// Martin

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