Commit ID:      1005002D0836F391385
CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    www
Changes by:    2012/07/15 14:16:45 UTC

Modified files:
        .              : Makefile
        data           :
        mk             : htsconv inc2htm inc2rss parser
        src            : ksh-chan.hts
Removed files:
        mk             : strftm.c

Log message:
use the mkah time manipulation code instead of spawning a C helper


actually, we can now write wlog entries with timezones!
they're mostly ignored for the HTML output, which stupidly takes
the day.month.year for the output (and the d.m.y H:M:S for sorting)
but used in the RSS feed (for sorting – subtracting the time zone
offset appropriately – and the entry date, which shows the original
time zone offset now)

To generate a diff of this changeset, execute the following commands:
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.81 -r1.82 www/Makefile
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.3 -r1.4 www/data/
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.66 -r1.67 www/mk/htsconv
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.28 -r1.29 www/mk/inc2htm
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.34 -r1.35 www/mk/inc2rss
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.21 -r1.22 www/mk/parser
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.2 -r0 www/mk/strftm.c
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.27 -r1.28 www/src/ksh-chan.hts

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