Commit ID:      100562FA3240A647875
CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2015/10/27 16:15:16 UTC

Modified files:
        devel/p5-IPC-Run: Makefile
        security/tcpdump: Makefile distinfo

Log message:
oh the joy of things being moved into the Attic

To generate a diff of this changeset, execute the following commands:
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.4 -r1.5 ports/devel/p5-IPC-Run/Makefile
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.3 -r1.4 ports/security/tcpdump/Makefile
cvs -R rdiff -kk -upr1.1 -r1.2 ports/security/tcpdump/distinfo

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