Steffen Nurpmeso dixit:

>a different, even older message: use a recursion counter, how
>wacky that may be.

Nah. It’s either too high (with the obvious effect) or, like
PHP’s, way too low (1000 just doesn’t cut it in may legitimate
cases). And even a too-low one can still segfault if the user
plays with ulimit -s.

>It's just that i am with the one that got no answer in that it
>didn't feel right.  Just forget about it.

Yeah, sorry about it.

enh dixit:

>VMs have to deal with the more general case of this problem so they
>can throw whatever "stack overflow" exception their language defines.

Hm. Not that I ever implemented even a toy VM worth note, but I’d
most definitely not use the host’s stack for the VM stack, rather
allocate the latter on the host heap.

>work out where the main thread's stack should end from /proc/maps and

Ah, but that assumes there i̲s̲ a /proc/maps in the first place.

>surprisingly brittle, non-portable, and hard to get right though, so
>i'm not recommending you bother.


I w̲a̲s̲ wondering a bit… about a stack underflow SIGSEGV being the
only one I can’t really catch… but then I remembered sigaltstack(2).
Still, once I caught the SIGSEGV, what is there I can do… I guess
in this case I could (after maybe setting a flag) siglongjmp to
the next “up” error handler… but for that, I’d have to know that
the cause of the SIGSEGV was actually a stack underflow. Or, on
some platforms, stack over(!)flow. I’ve got to admit that this
part of Unix is something I’m still not familiar enough with.

<igli> exceptions: a truly awful implementation of quite a nice idea.
<igli> just about the worst way you could do something like that, afaic.
<igli> it's like anti-design.  <mirabilos> that too… may I quote you on that?
<igli> sure, tho i doubt anyone will listen ;)

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