I probably do not audit our mirrors list as often as I should. I just checked all mirrors today and found the following:
Way out of date / haven't updated in a long time ------------------------------------------------ www.open-mpi.de open-mpi.homosu.net icl.cs.utk.edu --> I have disabled these sites in the mirror listing. I'll put them back when they fix updating. Unresponsive to me (maybe behind a firewall?) --------------------------------------------- open-mpi.wenzk.com --> I have disabled this site in the mirror listing. I'll put it back if the owner tells me that it's there / available / up to date. Gone (no more DNS, no more web site, etc.) ------------------------------------------ open-mpi.basemirror.de piotrkosoft.net open-mpi.unixteacher.org open-mpi.bpmn.ws www.bitlib.net mirror.kapook.com --> I deleted all these from the mirror listing. -- Jeff Squyres jsquy...@cisco.com For corporate legal information go to: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/