eric wrote:
On Fri, 2005-05-06 at 14:35:09 -0600, Abraham Al-Saleh proclaimed...

Alright, before I go to far, I'm going to present what I know, what I need, and what I've read so far. We had a recent scare at my company, we lost conectivity with our isp for about ten minutes because of a glitch. Due to the nature of our company, we have to have 100% uptime, and our SLA only guarantees us 99.999%.

At best you'll get 5 9's. Why don't you look at multiple locations? After
all, if your business is that critical, a power outage due to a bad circuit
in the street outside where there is *supposed* to be redundancy but there
isn't will cause pain.

I'd also be curious to know what kind of location you're at if you need 100%
uptime with T1 links.

- Eric

We have a backup generator that will run for five days and can be refilled while in operation, as well as dual matrix 5000 UPS'. We're working on an online medical prescribing and patient management solution, but we're currently small, we don't have the staff or the money to support two locations (yet).


Abraham Al-Saleh Systems Administrator CaduRx

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