Thanks to the people that responded with the keystroke issues. With X though, i am getting some errors on startx that include no server lock file, no such process, numbers 61 and 3.


Salvador Sabaini wrote:
James Bunnell wrote:

Hello, I am very new to OBSD. I installed it yesterday with some help from some friends in IRC. I have installed BitchX and Irssi, as well as Fluxbox and Firefox.

First problem is in BX and Irssi, when one uses the alt-1,2,3 keys to change windows as you can in linux, it does not do it, instead it just pastes a little number or the number itself, so in effect, I get the impression that the setup on the keyboard is wrong.

Second problem, when i Xorg at the prompt to start X, I just get a grey screen with a wild mouse pointer, I have checked my xorg.conf over and over.

I am using a Dell Dimension L933r, P3, an Intel i810 chipset for graphics, 384 mb ram, and a 10 g hdd. Also, I am using OpenBSD 3.7.

Any ideas here?



Are you telling Xorg what window manager to run? Read xinit(1) and startx(1).
As for BitchX/irssi, press ESC 1, ESC 2, etc. to change windows.



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