I've only done a few installs, so I may be closer to the process than
someone who has done it a hundred times...  I had no real problem with

Half the time people talking about user friendly really mean "pretty
and glossy" which really is purely marketing.   I've done a lot of
Gentoo installs that were much harder than the obsd installer (when I
finished obsd I said - damn, thats all?).  Gentoo really does not have
an installer - a boot disc and a lot of installation instructions.

I made a few mistakes where going "back" may have helped, but I am not
really sure it would have.  Besides, making me start over kinda
reinforced my learning so I did not do it again (bad dog, bad, whack
with paper).  I am sure someone will flame me for even commenting on
that, then a gaggle of glommers-on on will flame me, then the people
that want to be like them will flame me :)  

Otherwise, I thought it was simplicity itself.  No problems at all,
worked great.  Installation instructions worked fine too.

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:01:33 -0400 (EDT)
Sascha Ramin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i think the installer is great, its so simple and straight forward, i 
> could do it with my eyes closed.
> what do you want gentoo's ? or fedoras.
> this isn't linux, if you cant handle the installer, your going to have a 
> hard time running the OS.
> also if you think your really smart by using lots of four letter words, 
> you've got more problems then just your installer.
> also this isn't a tech support hotline, people are going to help you if 
> they feel like it.
> sbr


Bill Chmura
Explosivo ITG
w. http://www.explosivo.com

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