On 6/13/05, Dave Feustel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The gnumeric developers assert that gnumeric is 'stable'
> ie rarely crashes. Yet my experience is that gnumeric crashes
> *frequently* while attempting to create pdf files.  Does anyone
> else running gnumeric on 3.6 or 3.7 experience gnumeric
> crashing during the creation of  pdf files? 

No - Gnumeric makes *pdf's just fine here on 3.6. I have been using
Gnumeric for about a year on this OpenBSD laptop. Both the Gnumeric
that ws in 3.5 and this one (1.2.13) work pretty good. There are some
MS *.xls that I have trouble opening but those are pretty infrequent.
 Dave, maybe something got corrupted on your OpenBSD ports ? I'd need
more info to be of help.

Kind regards,

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