On Thu, Jun 23, 2005 at 08:45:29AM -0700, Timothy Horie wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to rebuild my /etc/mail/aliases file after changing it but it 
> isn't working.

  does it work if you back out your changes?

> Can someone give me some hints? The aliases.db file isn't supposed to be 
> 0 bytes.

  it is indeed not supposed to be 0 bytes; at least as far as mine

  if it worked and you changed a thing and then it doesn't work, 
  it might be a good idea in that situation to revert the change and
  then see if it can work again, if it works again, try the change
  again and maybe it was a bit of human error or so.

  it would also likely be *MUCH* easier to paste a copy of the aliases
  file (should've been in your original posting) than it would be to come 
  up with a valid argument as to how anyone could provide an answer for you
  without having seen said source aliases file.

  run it through sed first:

$ sed -nel < /etc/mail/aliases
  or (if you fancy)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] sed -nel < /etc/mail/aliases

  and inspect.  could help you spot any ambiguities.



[ openbsd 3.7 GENERIC ( jun 10 ) // i386 ]

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