
Is this a good design?  Am I way off track; does a better method exist?

I need to limit upload and download speeds of 1,000 hosts individually.
Each host shall have it's own dedicated queue with an arbitrary  
limit.  The machine performing the traffic shaping shall be a multi  
OpenBSD machine acting as a transparent bridge. NIC A faces the
customer network and NIC B faces internet.  Upload shaping will
be performed on outbound packets on NIC B and download shaping
will be performed on outbound packets on NIC A.  I plan to create one
giant default CBQ and 1,000 queues below it.  Bandwidth borrowing
will be turned off.  The idea is one IP/one queue.

  #define CBQ_MAX_CLASSES         256

I'll have to boost that number to 2,000 and recompile
the kernel.  Is there anything else I have to change? Has anyone else  
ever done this before?

Please let me know what you think of this plan.  I'm anxious for any  
form of input.

A rough example ( don't hang me if it's wrong; I didn't check the  
syntax or attempt this yet )
altq on $NICA cbq bandwidth 100Mb queue { stda, qa10.1.1.1,  
qa10.1.1.2, qa10.1.1.3...etc }
queue stda bandwidth 100Mb cbq(default)
queue qa10.1.1.1 bandwidth $value
queue qa10.1.1.2 bandwidth $value
altq on $NICB cbq bandwidth 100Mb queue { stdb, qb10.1.1.1,  
qb10.1.1.2, qb10.1.1.3...etc }
queue stdb bandwidth 100Mb cbq(default)
queue qb10.1.1.1 bandwidth $value
queue qb10.1.1.2 bandwidth $value

pass out on $NICA inet proto ip from any to queue qa10.1.1.1
pass out on $NICB inet proto ip from to any queue qb10.1.1.1

Thank you in advance,
Lou Goddard

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