In message
I wrote:
| I'm having trouble configuring the 3.7-release (6.8.2) on a
| Fujitsu/Siemens E6646 laptop: the X server dies on startup with
| > Fatal server error:
| > Caught signal 11.  Server aborting
| [[...]]

For anyone else who wants to track this problem, it's now OpenBSD
bug #4259 and (which is where bug reports live)
bug #3622 (
No solutions yet. :(

My current 'workaround' is to use OpenBSD 3.6-stable (which works
fine and is still supported).


-- "Jonathan Thornburg -- remove -animal to reply" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik (Albert-Einstein-Institut),
   Golm, Germany, "Old Europe"
   "Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
    powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."
                                      -- quote by Freire / poster by Oxfam

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