On Thu, 2005-06-30 at 12:24:46 -0500, Dave Beckstrom proclaimed...

> Jason,
> Uh...your inexperience is showing.  :)  The title of the post is "DOS
> attacks?"  My question was, "Has anyone heard anything about any worms or
> DOS attacks happening which might account for this?"  
> Of course I expect useful information such as confirmation that someone else
> is experiencing attacks that result in similar symptoms on the server or
> perhaps there was a security bulletin released for OBSD that I have missed.
> There was a bulletin just released for FreeBSD's TCP stack which talked
> about an exposure to DOS attacks that could cause TCP to stop working.
> Seems reasonable to inquire about OBSD when I'm having a problem that sounds
> like it might possibly be related, doesn't it?
Post some details of your problems. We're certain you have the
skill the investigate, so show us facts. How about just a dmesg for
starters? How about your pf.conf? How about some netstat(8) info? How about
vmstat info?

Please quit wasting people's time.

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