On Thu, 14 Jul 2005, Dave Anderson wrote:

> It also, at least under OpenBSD, has the serious problem that "$$"
> isn't the PID of the shell running the script but rather the PID of the
> "original" shell (whatever exactly that means; some testing suggests
> that it's the last process on the PPID chain which is still in this
> process group) and I haven't yet found any straightforward way of
> getting the PID of the "bottom-level" shell, which is what is needed
> for the stale-lock testing to work at all when the exclusion needed is
> among scripts run in subshells of the same shell.  (I realize that I
> could create a trivial program which writes its PPID to stdout, or hack
> /bin/sh to add a new variable which contains the PID I want -- but I'd
> prefer to use the tools which come as part of the base system.  This
> has also left me rather curious as to *why* the PID and PPID of the
> "original" shell are easily accessible in scripts but those of the
> subshell actually running the script aren't.)

I did not check your script, but POSIX says this:

$   Expands to the decimal process ID of the invoked shell. In a
    subshell (see Shell Execution Environment ), '$' shall expand to the
    same value as that of the current shell.

There's a similar phrase in the man page,


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