
On Wed, Jul 13, 2005 at 09:11:48PM +0800, Glamous wrote:
> I just downloaded the QT3 and arts, kdelib, kdebase src pkg and want
> to build a new kde from scratch by hand.
> I'm so confused that sometimes the configure program can not check
> pass for some of the lib missing which I'm sure pkg_add has installed
> in my /usr/local/lib.

OpenBSD developers expect you to read. But as a newbie coming from Linux,
you often don't know where to start. Some hints to help you get your 
homework done:

you go read:
man gcc-local
first item under DESCRIPTION has an answer to your question.
Then you read the FAQ, especially the section about ports and packages
and the content of the pages linked from there.

Then you read:
- man make
- man bsd.port.mk
- the Makefiles of the currently available qt and kde ports
- the output of ./configure --help of the particular package.
- the output of
  make show=CONFIGURE_ARGS 
  make show=CONFIGURE_ENV
  in the directories of the respective currently available qt and kde
  ports to find out about the environment and flags passed to configure.
  And perhaps a bunch of other make show=BLABLA commands...

> I know there's a /etc/ld.so.conf (in linux) which control the ldconfig
> to cache the dyn-lib search path when doing some ld operation during
> building. But I can't find it now. I wonder how the OpenBSD control 
> its ld search path, by LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

ldconfig is used for ld.so, the runtime linker. You have a problem at
compile time. The compile time linker is called ld. Try to understand the
difference by reading the manpages.


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