Thank you for both good advices.

Until I have money to pay an expert and my card game isn't using real money... 

Would arc4random() % 32 be the usual way to get random integers from 0 to 31, 
or are some bits of the returned value more random than the others?

And what is the highest number returned by arc4random(), is it RAND_MAX?
The man page doesn't elaborate on this subject


18 Jul 2005 11:50:25 +0200, Artur Grabowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> A good suggestion might be to use arc4random(3) instead of random(3).
> If the security of your application depends on randomness, you should
> really pay an expert to help you do it. Randomness is harder than it
> looks and most likely you will screw it up very badly (a few years ago
> some online Black Jack lost a lot of money because they "improved" their
> randomness by adding the current time to it).

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