Thanks.  I just wasn't sure if my problem was an openBSD problem or an assembly
problem.  It's definitely the later.  And I just found the amd64 ABI, which is
making the problems clear for me.  Pushing those args on the stack is
definitely wrong.

Anyway, I appreciate the feedback.  And thanks Art for pointing out that the
assembly was wrong.  That put me on the right track to finding a solution.  The
recent threads about the notes section just confused me and put me down the
wrong track.



--- STeve Andre' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Brian, its always good idea to learn stuff, but this isn't the right
> place to talk about assembly problems.  One of the newsgroups
> devoted to programming would be a far better source, or one of
> the many web forums out there.
> As someone said, compiling programs and looking at the code 
> is a great way of seeing how things are done.  Thats one of the
> ways I learned, quite some time ago with Digital Research C, an
> awful compiler that gave me lots of pain...
> The other thing you might want to think about is getting experience
> on a simpler cpu, perhaps the z80.  There are tons and tons of 
> documents on it, and I'm pretty sure that you could write stuff and
> then run it on an emulator, faster than the hardware I had, back
> when I used them.
> At any rate, misc@ isn't the best place for your questions.  I'm sure
> there are some assembler freaks out there who would just love to
> talk with you and help out.
> --STeve Andre'

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