From: Dave Feustel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> What I dn't yet quite grasp is why there cannot be multiple 
> independent 
> instances of kde running, each one attached to a different 
> virtual terminal
> (C0-C3) on the same computer. Then I could be logged on as 
> two different
> users simultaneously, switching back and forth between 
> screens using the
> ctl-alt-fcn keys. If this is not possible right now on 
> OpenBSD, it might be an 
> interesting project.

Because, to my knowledge, X doesn't work that way.

You run startx on a virtual terminal. Yes, the command runs from that tty,
but your X session is now bound to the video adapter and is running on e.g.
tty7 - or whatever it is you get to when you hit ctrl+alt+7, or whichever
one you go to to get to X. So now X is "bound" to your adapter, and you are
running KDE from there. You want to launch KDE again? It tries to fire up X
and can't because X is already running. 

I think of it like trying to bind the same TCP port to an interface twice on
the same IP address. If you start httpd on, you can't have a
second httpd running on; you've already tied that port up and
you need a new source address (e.g. or another tcp port (e.g.
81) in order to start another httpd up.

I'm no X guru by any means, but in my limited experience using it it seems
like you must have multiple adaptors to start multiple X sessions. 


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