I did ntpd years and years back under linux when I was getting started
and had a bunch of issues, so I just have not revisited it.  Perhaps I
will give it a look.

I just threw it in to get something running... of course had I known
this would be a problem...  

I'll spend some time checking it out

On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 21:29:56 +0100
Simon Farnsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Monday 15 August 2005 21:16, Bill wrote:
> > I think the problem is that I also have ntpdate scheduled at 5am... so
> > the one second adjustment must have caused cron to run the newsyslog
> > again.  (the entries below show the second running one second earlier
> > than the first)
> >
> Out of interest, why are you running ntpdate instead of ntpd? In theory, ntpd
> should provide you with equally good or even better time updating (even in
> the presence of things like network connections that are rarely up), and
> won't trigger things like the same cron job running twice.
> --
> Simon Farnsworth
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]


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