--On 21 August 2005 17:44 +1000, Rod.. Whitworth wrote:

What format(s) are acceptable for submitting minor changes to man

The few I've submitted have been to the input files, in the hope that it gives jmc@ less to do by hand.

I assume unified diff - but against what? The man page as distributed
(e.g. in /usr/share/man/cat?/ ?) or the file that produced that? If
the file should be the one input to the -mdoc process, where can it be

To find the relevant file easily, check which section the page is in, and use e.g. 'locate ls.1' or 'locate ami.4'. Generally man pages with an associated program are kept with that program so e.g. 'cvs diff -u /usr/src/bin/ls/ls.1', you'll find others - drivers, system configuration files, docs like hier(7) and vpn(8), etc - in /usr/src/share/man.

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