> -----Original Message-----
> Bryan Irvine
> Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:11 AM
> To: Misc OpenBSD
> Subject: Re: /usr/share/pf/ suggestion
> > I personally like to 'pass keep state' with a 'scrub all' rule. This
> > at least gives me some interesting statistics to poke at when I'm
> > bored. Plus, I can firewall who gets to ssh into my machine.
> Another good use is {max-src-states  ##} for webservers and the like.
> I have a webserver that would crash at 9am every morning when a few
> bots (2 in particaular) would crawl the site.  They are poorly
> configured and open roughly 120 simlutaneous connections.  They were
> very low bandwidth, but there went all available connections.
> To quote Theo it's "Horse-shit" to say you don't need to filter single
> hosts.
> --Bryan

What crashed?  Apache or OpenBSD?

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