On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 14:57:37 +1000, Shane J Pearson wrote:

>>> Is that means that 3.8 might be unstable ? Maybe all who wants/needs
>>> stable systems need to run 3.7 ?

> However Genadijus only asked questions. He did not make a statement.
> Seems like pretty innocent questions to me that are easily answered here
> by those that know. And what is wrong with that?

Thanks for taking the side of the poor and innocent, who too often are run
aground in an arrogant manner in here.
This is what I appreciate !

If you look at the specific question, though, it is more on the dumb to
silly side. Simply going to www.openbsd.org will show that OpenBSD tries
as hard or even harder than everyone else to ship a stable
production-quality system. The FAQ will point out clearly that there are
various flavours and Theo wrote in the OP that it has been running on
intermediate version for quite some time.
I do not like spontaneous questions being posed by people for whom
googling for a few minutes or reading the project site for a similar
amount of time is already too much work.

My personal opinion,


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