>On 8/29/05 12:09 PM, Bryan Irvine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>Me> I'm trying to find out what card I can use under Unix
>Sales> what flavor
>me> flavor?  *shudders-knowing-she-is-thinking-linux*  OpenBSD
>Sales> I don't know I can try transferring you to Support.
>me> ok
>Support> hi this is Bob.
>me> I'm trying to find a compatible card for use in OpenBSD, I have
>the ASIC numbers and just need to find out which cards they are on
>Support> oh we don't support OpenFreeBSD they might have some more
>information though on whether they will work.
>Me> Yes  yes, I HAVE the information on what ASIC's that will work I
>just need to get a list of cards that you have that contain these
>Support> well you might be able to get them to work but we don't 
>support freebsd
>Me> I'm running OpenBSD, and they DO have a list of the chipsets
>that will work, I understand that YOU won't support it.  How can I 
>get a list of cards and their associated ASICs?
>Support> oh we don't keep track of that. You might be able to 
>contact the vendor of your motherboard
>Me> I have a tx2200 pci card that won't help.
>Support> we do support linux
>Me> I'm just trying to find out what card I need to buy to use these
>SATA drives under OpenBSD.  Where can I get information on what card 
>I need to buy?
>Support> Most of those are OEM cards supported by the manufacturer
>Me> {thinking WTF?  I told him it was a PCI card}  Well what about
>this card (reads a PDC nubmer from the openbsd website)
>Support> (didn't even check) oh that's an OEM card
>Me> what about this one (reads another)
>Support> ya those are all OEM cards
>Me> Fine. thank you.
>My first question is this, is everyone at Promise incompetent?  
>My second question is, does anyone know what card I can use with 
>SATA 150 drives?

I recently asked the same question about the PCI controller cards on 
their web site using their email support and got the same answer:

These chipsets are OEM chipsets which integrated solutions on the
motherboard. These products are supported by the motherboard manufacturer 
including the software and drivers. Promise Technologies does not provide 
support for the OEM chipset
Email Support
Promise Technologies Inc
I've sent a follow up question. If I get a better response than last time 
I'll post the answer.

I did find a SATA/150 PCI card having one of the chips listed on the 
pciide man page (a PDC20375). The seller was kind enough to list the 
chipset in the product description.

Joe Szedula

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