>Dear friends,
>sorry for being off-topic, i am able to rent a pair of twist line (a
>circuit) between my home and and friends one. I wonder if there exist
>and ethernet extender device that could connect an ethernet cable to a
>phone line. It would do no special work, just a raw connection between
>2 types of layer, i.e, take "bits" from one end and put it into the
>another and vice-versa.
>BTW: i am no engineer (CS Bachelor), so sorry if it sounds too stupid.
>Does that exists ?
>PS: yes, i am a user of OBSD and i am using this list cause i know no
>other best suited for this message, if possible, point me one possible
>"right" mailing list for such subject.

This is the whole point of this:  http://accoom.kd85.com/

Wim, Claudio or Andre Oppermann (FreeBSD dude) may be able to shed more light.
Claudio committed a driver 2 weeks ago (musycc).  

Alternatively, you can take a pair of SDSL modems and run them back-to-back.
This will hand off Ethernet at either end.  The modems are relatively cheap on 

There is a fair amount of info on the web about this type of setup if you 
google around.


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