
On Fri, 02.09.2005 at 10:58:57 -0400, Michael Shalayeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> i know. i can't read:
> futhermore nowhere in your email you even mention docs...

my bad - obviously I can't _write_.

But anyway, I've written about this stuff on this list several times
before, and it's certainly in the archives. I didn't want to mislead or
confuse you.

To clarify: I tried to talk to them for about a year and get them to
release docs that would enable someone to create a driver for OpenBSD,
but they didn't want to do that. Instead, they suggested that they
might consider creating a driver themselves if, and only if, I could
present them with something they consider a business case, which I
can't do alone.

To further any of this from "our" end, I think more people talking to
IBM (or any other non-cooperating vendor) are generally a good thing
because this will eventually raise awareness for the problem at their
end. But in the meantime, I've pretty much given up hope that I'll see
any progress talking to these guys.

Wrt. Niklas: You probably want to partially blame me for the gdt(4)
driver Niklas has done so nicely.


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